Claim Preparation and Management

Whilst a good insurer will provide you with experts throughout the different stages of your claim, many people wonder how ‘impartial’ a service provider can really be, if they are engaged and paid by the insurance company. Will they really look out for your needs first and foremost, or only when your needs align with the insurer’s needs?

At Solve My Claim, we do not provide services for insurance companies, so we have no potential conflict of interest – we only work for YOU, and we will always look out for your interests above all else. 

Many of our clients, having engaged Solve My Claim to resolve a claim dispute, get us involved in all future claims from the very first moment as they know firsthand the power of having an expert who is genuinely, and solely, on their side. It is best to have the right expert on your side before a dispute arises. 

Many commercial, rural or broker-based insurance policies provide coverage for “claim preparation costs”, which means that your policy will cover the cost of engaging a suitably qualified claims professional (known as a claim preparer) to assist you through the process of lodging and managing your claim. Solve My Claim’s team of claims experts can provide claim preparation services for you, and you can be sure that we will always act solely in your interests to ensure you receive everything to which you are entitled under your insurance contract. 

Some insurance contracts are quite complex and involved – don’t try to navigate this process on your own, let us stand with you and give you the peace of mind of having a claims expert on your side.

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